UMG 96-PA / UMG 96-PA-MID / UMG 96-PA-MID+
3.12 Performance characteristics
• Front panel installation device with dimensions of 96 x 96 mm (3.78 x 3.78 in).
• Expansion by means of module
• Connection via screw terminals
• Color graphic display 320 x 240 px
• Operation via 6 buttons
• 3 voltage measurement inputs (600 V, CAT III)
• 3 current measurement inputs (via current transformer)
• 3 digital outputs
• 3 digital inputs (configured as pulse counter with simultaneous power calculation)
• 1 analog output (0 - 20 mA)
• Data memory 8 MByte flash
• RS-485 interface (Modbus RTU, slave, up to 115 kbps)
• Clock and battery
• Working temperature range -10 °C (14 °F) to +55 °C (131 °F)
Measurement uncertainty
• Active energy, measurement uncertainty class 0.2S for ../5A transformer
• Active energy, measurement uncertainty class 0.5 for ../1A transformer
• Reactive energy, class 1
• Acquisition of more than 800 measured values
• Measurement in TN and TT networks
• Measurement in networks with nominal voltages up to L-L 720 V
and L-N 417 V
(according to IEC)
• Measuring range, current 0.005 .. 6 A
(MID: 0.002 .. 6 A
• True effective value measurement (TRMS)
• Continuous sampling of the voltage and current measurement inputs
• Frequency range of the fundamental oscillation 45 Hz .. 65 Hz
• Measurement of harmonics current, 1st to 40th for U
and I
• U
, U
, I, P (consumption/delivered), Q (ind./cap.)
• 2 tariffs (switching via Modbus or digital input 1)
3.13 FCC Declaration of Conformity
The device:
·complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules for Class
B digital devices (limits to protect against harm-
ful interference in a residential installation).
·generates, uses and can radiate high-frequency
·can cause harmful interference to radio commu-
nications if not installed and used properly. There
is no guarantee that interference will not occur in
a particular installation.
If there is radio or television reception interference,
which can be determined by turning the device on
and off, proceed as follows:
·Align or reposition the receiving antenna.
·Increase the distance between the device and
the radio/television receiver.
·Connect the device and the radio/television
receiver in different circuits.
·if necessary, contact Janitza support or a radio/
television technician.
Code of Federal Regulations, Title 47, Part 15,
Subpart B - Unintentional Radiators.