JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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Duress access control
Serves for triggering of a silent alarm by authorization only or by system
control (setting, unsetting, PG control, …) when a user is in the presence
of a criminal. A Panic alarm is triggered during system control when a code
is entered with 1 mathematically added to the last digit’s value. Example: a
user code 4444, for duress access control enter 4445. Caution: when the
user code’s last digit is 9 then for duress access control use 0 as a last digit.
Example: A user code = 4449, for duress access control enter 4440 (only
enter 0 on the end).
Caution: enabling this function erase all predefined codes in the system!!!
Alarm confirmation within
one section*
If confirmation reaction by another detector is set for a detector, this
confirmation option can be used to limit confirmation
to the same
section only
(otherwise a detector from any section can confirm an alarm). This is valid
equally for intrusion detectors and for fire detectors.
Siren (IW output) when
tamper is triggered*
A siren with the IW response acoustically indicates a tamper alarm if the zone
is unset or partially set
Reset enabled*
Possibility to lock reset of the control panel with a jumper on the board. If reset
is prohibited and the service code is lost, the control panel can only be unlocked
by the manufacturer. Reset of the control panel is described in chapter
12 Reset of the control panel.
Report unset section
Section has remained unset with no movement detection for longer than 16
hours, then it reports unsetting.
Unsuccessful setting
The function is processed during every setting procedure. If an instant zone
is triggered within the exit time or a delayed zone stays open when the exit time
expires, the system is not set and triggers an “Unsuccessful setting” event and
records it in the history. It is recorded in the system history and also reported by
a supplementary GSM or PSTN module if connected by an SMS to a pre-set
user if the event “SMS about unsuccessful setting” is enabled to be sent.
It is indicated by keypads and also by an outdoor siren. To cancel the indication
about unsuccessful setting it is necessary to press “Cancel warning indication”
in the keypad menu.
Alarm memory indication
The option allows alarm memory indication by an LED built into the detector
which triggered the alarm. Available for supported devices only.
System profiles
Selection from pre-set system profiles according to requirements.
Parameters set by factory default with the option to
modify them according to needs
EN50131-1, Grade 2
Some parameters are pre-set automatically to
comply with EN 50131-1, Grade 2 (low – middle
risks) with no option to be modified
Bypass after 3× triggering
The option is related to activation inputs, not tampers and not faults. When the
option is enabled , after the third alarm triggered by the same detector this
deviced is bypassed. When disabled , then it can be already bypassed after the
activation during one alarm period.
Blocking when setting
If enabled then all active inputs will be blocked during setting the section and
they cannot trigger an alarm in this guarding period anymore. If disabled,
all active inputs will be bypassed temporarily until they go to standby and
detectors start guarding again (risk of false alarm triggering – improperly closed
Unsetting cancels alarm
A function which determines if an alarm will be cancelled by authorization
of a valid code only or by unsetting the section with an alarm. If enabled, the
alarm can be cancelled with unsetting of a section where an alarm has been
triggered or from the LCD keypad menu by pressing on “Cancel warning
Fault autobypass
It is only available when the system profile “EN 50131-1” is chosen. It is meant
for disabling of the limited number of triggered faults from 3 faults maximum to
no limit.