JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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1 Basic description and definitions
Modular architecture
– Allows the system to be configured for specific installations, sizes and user needs.
Firmware (FW) update
– procedure for updating to a new FW version into the system containing new functions,
improvements and adaptations. We recommend you check that FW is up-to-date during any installation as well
as during regular service checks. Besides the control panel FW, it is necessary to update FW in all devices if
required (keypads, radio modules, motion detectors with a camera etc...).
Control keypad
– a module meant for user authorisation, for system control and for indication of its status.
It consists of an RFID tag reader, a keypad to enter digit access codes, four functional buttons and an LCD
display. The keypad is supplied as a BUS and wireless version.
System indicator
– a square LED in the keypad’s left upper corner, indication is performed by 3 colours:
green = everything OK, control panel with no faults; red = alarm and alarm memory; yellow = system fault, etc.
Section indicator
– LEDs marked with letters representing sections A, B, C, D and the colour (red, yellow and
green) indicates the status of all system sections.
Functional button
– It’s a universal programmable/control/indication button on the indoor keypad and there are
4 buttons like this. Every individual functional button has simple indication and offers intuitive control of the
system (sections). Because every button has a coloured backlight it is easy for the end user to recognize which
status the system currently has.
Alarm types
– the system is able to react to intrusion, panic, tamper, fire, gas leak and water flooding.
The use of suitable detectors makes it possible to report other dangers as well (somebody moving in the
garden, handling of a guarded object etc.). Means to reducing the occurrence of false alarms are available.
Detectors located in a difficult environment from the structural or operational point of view can be set in such
a way that their activation must be confirmed by another detector.
Visual verification of an alarm
– Photo verification devices (camera detectors) are able to automatically take
and send photos of what is happening in the monitored area.
Personal protection
– in case of a hold-up, health problem or fire the user can call for assistance (pressing the
button on a keypad, entering a panic code, by activating a panic button or using a wireless remote control).
Duress access control
– serves for triggering of a silent alarm by authorization only, or by system control
(setting, unsetting, PG control, …) when a user is in the presence of a criminal. A Panic alarm is triggered
during system control when a code is entered with 1 mathematically added to the last digit’s value.
enabling this function erases all predefined codes in the system!!!
Delayed Panic
– a function for triggering a Panic alarm with a time delay during which the alarm can be
prevented. The function is designed for users afraid of opening the entrance door to an unknown visitor,
who may attack them. Thus, the user activates delayed Panic before opening the door and if he/she is sure that
he / she is safe, he / she must cancel the function before expiration of the pre-set delay time. The panic delay
time can be set in the specific device’s internal settings used for triggering the panic alarm (keypad button, panic
button, etc.).
Users’ access rights
– defines the user authorization access level. You can modify user access rights
to which part of the protected premises they can control and also control by means of programmable (PG)
outputs. The users prove their identity by applying a contactless tag or entering a code using a keypad.
– (Master) a required number of administrators can be defined in the system, they can assign
access rights to standard users. Different sections in the building may have different administrators.
In the default setting there is one main administrator of the system, who is always authorized to set access
rights for all users (default code 1234 or 123456 according to the selected profile).
Service technician
– A special service code (default setting 1010 or 101010 according to the selected profile).
With this code the technician is authorized to adjust all features of the system. There may be more than one
authorized service technician (if required). The access of a service technician may be conditional on the
administrator’s approval. A special case of service authorization is a technician of the Alarm Receiving Centre
(also referred to as ‘ARC’ in the texts; position 2). This technician can use his code (N-Link menu:
Settings / Users / User authorization = ARC) to lock access to settings of the parameters of communication with
the Alarm Receiving Centre (default setting 1000 or 100010 according to the selected profile).
To program the system, a computer with a Windows operating system (WIN XP SP3
or higher) is necessary. The control panel can be connected to the computer locally using a USB cable
or remotely from a computer connected to the Internet. All features are set using the computer and the N-Link
software. This software is exclusively designed for trained technicians. Access to it cannot be granted
to an administrator or end user of the system!
Service mode
– is the mode in which complete configuration of the system can be modified. Only a service
technician (or an ARC technician) can enter the system into service mode. This can be done by using a keypad