JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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Internal statuses for control of PG outputs:
1. Unset
13. Entry delay
25. Annual check request
2. Any set
14. Exit delay
26. GSM fault
3. Partially set
15. AC fault
27. LAN fault
4. Completely set
16. AC fault for 30 minutes
28. PSTN fault
5. Any alarm
17. Backup battery fault
29. Event in system
6. Instant alarm
18. Internal warning (IW)
7. Delayed alarm
19. External warning (EW)
8. Fire alarm
20. Fault
9. Audible panic alarm
21. Triggered detector
10. Tamper alarm
22. Device with a low battery
11. Alarm memory
23. Device with tamper activated
12. Unconfirmed alarm
24. No movement in section
10.6 Users reports tab
This tab is available when a supplementary GSM or PSTN communicator is connected and is used to define
users the system will report to about selected groups of event in the form of SMSes or voice calls to their
phones. The groups and the SMS format are described in the attached table. To make changes in this tab you
do not need to be in the Service mode.
– enables selection of a user from the list of users.
SMS alerts
– group of selectable alarm reports in the case of which a textual report is sent about an alarm event in
selected section, further about a failure or restoration of power supply longer than 30 minutes, setting with
an open zone, or possibly a report about an unset section without motion (see the Parameters tab)
Alarm call
– a group of reports in the case of which (after sending of SMS reports) the system conveys
an alarm voice message to every user. If the call is not answered in 30 s, the system calls the next user in
sequence. If the call is answered, the voice message is sent repeatedly. The structure of the message is: Your
alarm reports – Alarm type – Section no. After hanging up of the call by the user, however after 50 s at the
latest, the call is terminated and the next user is called. The user can confirm the reception of the call by
pressing the
# key
on the phone and after the voice message the user must enter a valid code. When a valid