JA-14K(R) Security System Control Panel
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code has been entered,
the alarm is stopped and the next user is not called any more.
Voice calling is time-
consuming and it can be set for maximum 8 users. For the voice reports universal voice message are pre-set in
the system. The voice messages can be re-recorded by replacing the names with the required ones in the voice
menu. Voice menu structure, see 9.6.
SMS about setting / unsetting
– group of reports for which a text message about setting and unsetting
is sent. A setting report is sent with the fixed
delay of 60 seconds
after setting. Setting and unsetting
is not reported to the user who has performed it. An exception is setting of a common section (done
by the control panel, not user).
Fault and service SMS
– sends text reports about errors (discharged batteries, entering the Service mode
User defined SMS 1
– special 1st group where the installation technician may transfer certain events to be
reported (typically reports of failures and restoration of power supply, or possibly setting with an active device)
for selected users (administrator etc.)
User defined SMS 2
– special 2nd group where the installation technician may transfer certain events
to be reported (typically low batteries in devices or low charge level of the backup battery) only for selected
users (typically installation technician etc.).
Section reporting
– determines which section the selected groups of events will be reported from.
If Errors and Service SMS are checked and no section is selected, system errors and service are reported only
(they are always assigned to the Section no. 1). There is no link between authorization and the ability of section
PG output reports
– possibility to report switching ON / OFF of PG outputs to a user. The messages are sent
with a fixed delay of 60 s. The texts of the SMS messages are set in the PG Outputs tab, see chapter 10.5 PG
– by pressing of this button the test SMS report will be sent to the user: “Test report, Control Panel,
Section 1”
Table of events and pre-set groups: