Getting started
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
IEM Manual, 1.5
2.3.2 Configuration phase
set process data mode
(interrupt or polling)
application specific
protocol specific
generic configuration
register protocol specific
register generic events
Figure 2-5: Configuration phase
The mode of updating process data can be selected between polling and inter-
rupt. Polling mode is time triggered and always possible, interrupt support de-
pends on the protocol (see Table 7-2).
The configuration initialization leads to a protocol specific part. A module con-
figuration can be written to the configuration area.
, the module instantiates the protocol stack and
gets the module configuration provided by the host. If this configuration is de-
clared as valid, the module evaluates the data content. If no configuration data
is available or the configuration is declared invalid, the module gets the last
configuration stored in its flash memory area.
The channel configuration part is responsible for submitting process data
mapping information to the module.
Finally, with channel start the bus protocol is started and the module is ready
to reach operation mode.