Intermec EasyLAN 100i – User's Manual Ed. 1
Appendix 1 EasyLAN 100i Home Page
The Management page has five functions...
• to summarize some important information on the EasyLAN 100i
interface (this information is also scattered among other pages):
- Serial Number of the board
- Hardware address
- Software version
- WINS Name
- WINS Status
- Base URL
- TCP/IP enabled/disabled
- NetWare enabled/disabled
- NetBIOS/NetBEUI enabled/disabled
• to link to the following pages where you can enable/disable the
respective function:
- Configuration TCP/IP
- Configuration NetWare
- Configuration NetBIOS/NetBEUI
• to perform a soft reset of the NetServer's software, i.e. return to
original settings,
• to perfom a hard reset of the NetServer's hardware (corresponds
to a reboot), or
• to rest the parameters of the NetServer to default values.