Intermec EasyLAN 100i – User's Manual Ed. 1
Chapter 3 Basic Installation
To establish communication with the TCP/IP network, enabling TCP/
IP printing and Web browser management, an IP address must be
assigned to your EasyLAN 100i.
Before you start
System privileges
You need root privileges on your UNIX system, or administrator
privileges on a Windows NT server.
Ethernet address
You need to know the Ethernet address of your EasyLAN 100i to
perform the installation. The Ethernet address is based upon the
serial number of your EasyLAN. This means, for example, that an
EasyLAN 100i with the serial number of 001040003610, will have
the corresponding Ethernet address of
00 10 40 00 36 10
The couples of digits that make up the Ethernet address may be
separated by spaces, dots, hyphens, or colons depending on appli-
cation. The serial number is located on the label on the rear plate of
the unit.
IP address
Unless you are downloading the IP address using DHCP, you must
obtain an unused IP address from your network administrator.
Methods for downloading the IP Address
You can set the IP address using one of the following methods,
depending on your network operating environment:
Network environments
Windows NT, UNIX
Windows 95/98/NT
Manual setting Windows 95/98/NT, OS/2, NetWare
Setup Mode
The ARP and RARP methods operate on single network segments
only, i.e. they cannot be used over routers.
DHCP assigns an IP address temporarily from a pool of addresses,
which implies that the IP address can change unexpectedly.
Assigning an IP
DO NOT use the IP addresses
shown in the following examples
when installing your EasyLAN
100i. Always consult your net-
work administrator before as-
signing an IP address to your
EasyLAN 100i.
/. The Ethernet address is also
called MAC address, node ad-
dress, and hardware address,
depending on application.