Intermec EasyLAN 100i – User's Manual Ed. 1
Appendix 2
This appendix provides an overview of the EasyLAN 100i param-
eters (also see
Appendix 1 “EasyLAN 100i Home Page”
). Please
refer to the AXIS Network Print Server Technical Reference for a
complete description of the parameters. It is available on the Axis
WWW Home Page at
, where you also can
download the latest technical information.
The Config File
The left-hand column shows the parameters and their default val-
ues as they appear in the config file and the right-hand column shows
the name of the parameters as they appear in the internal Web pages.
After you have changed them, most parameters take effect for the
next print job. If Requires Restart appears in a parameter descrip-
tion, you must reboot the EasyLAN 100i printer, before the new
setting for that parameter takes effect.
Please refer to
Chapter 8 “Configuration & Management”
, for more
information about how to change the parameters.
The password parameters, ROOT_PWD and PROS_PWD only
appear when you are logged in to the EasyLAN 100i using root.
The password parameters will not be printed when you are print-
ing the parameter list using the test button.
Appendix 2. Parameter List