TwinLock B600 CashProtect
Manual V.1.04A
Copyright © August 2021 INSYS MICROELECTRONICS GmbH
The contents of this manual are copyrighted. They may be used within the context
of operating the system. Any further usage is prohibited without a written permission
of the manufacturer. We appreciate comments and suggestions. All rights on this
documentation and the devices are with INSYS MICROELECTRONICS GmbH
This handbook contains a description as concise as possible. The compilation of the
text has been made with the utmost care. Despite all efforts, there may be deviations
to the actual functions. No guarantee can therefore be given for the accuracy of the
contents. We can neither assume legal responsibility nor any liability for incorrect
information and their consequences. We appreciate suggestions and comments.
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Please note:
Read thoroughly before use.
Keep for future reference.
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