TwinLock B600 CashProtect
System Description
Manual V.1.04A
Optional Functions
The version of the firmware can be displayed via menu
Status / Info
. See page
44. Some of these functions can be programmed with the optional software
Integration RFID
Available with hardware with RFID module only. Within a network (via TwinNet, for
example) as well as locally (via section
Code s
ettings“, field „Code
card“ in
CashProtectPro), you can configure the system in such a way that all users are
required to use contactless RFID cards / tags for user identification.
Silent alarm can be switched off
Within a network (via configuring the corresponding TwinNet system, for example)
as well as locally via PC software (via section
“Alarm”, field
in CashProtectPro), you can configure whether users should be able to trigger
silent alarm / duress alarm or not. With silent alarm deactivated, nobody can open
with the alarm code.
Data export and - import for selected users
With other parameters set accordingly, every user with valid PIN code can export
configuration data.
Every user with box
marked (via TwinNet person / user matrix PC software)
can import configuration data.
Users can be blocked after the validity of their code has expired
Within a network (via configuring the corresponding TwinNet system, for example)
as well as locally via PC software (via
tab “Settings”, tab sector below “Code validity
expiration”, field
“User blocked after code aging
/ Period to blocking [months]
CashProtectPro, for example), you can configure whether and after how many
months users are to be blocked and deleted after the validity of their code has
Immediate blocking
With the lock open or closed, you can program an immediate blocking for persons
assigned to a week program via menu key . Once programmed, opening is blocked
for all persons assigned to the week program during the currently active time
window. Upon the start of the next week program, opening is possible again.
Delays associated to week programs
You can define a specific opening delay, a specific alarm delay and a individual
release time for every week program.
Configuration menus in
of display of operating unit
Sub menu
s „Dual code“ (
dual control, two-man rule
), „Parallel
code“, „
“, „
Opening delay
“ and „W
eek progra
These parameters listed above
can be set via operating unit.
System block / - release
Global release
Tick [AE: Mark] this box in order to activate the global release. This option makes the
global release / system block apply for the whole system. Select at least one week
program in order to define the periods of system block - / - release.
WP1 /WP2
Tick [AE: Mark] this box in order to activate the week programs 1-2. By doing this
with “Global release” activated, you make sure the selected week programs apply
for the complete system and for all of its users independent of whether users are
assigned to week programs or not.