TwinLock B600 CashProtect
System Description
Manual V.1.04A
Bus Distributor TwinConnect / TwinConnect small
Fig. 6:
Bus distributor TwinConnect / TwinConnect small
Via a redundant bus system, the bus distributor TwinConnect (small) connects the
system components with each other. The bus distributor is located inside the
protected premises.
Blocking Device TwinXT / TwinXT small
Fig. 7:
Blocking device TwinXT / TwinXT small
Blocking device TwinXT (small) inside the protected premises of the system is
available as an extension unit. With TwinXT (small), you can add in- and output
contacts to the system. With these contacts, up to 2 locks can be blocked / released
and they can be equipped with bolt mechanism contacts. Additionally, TwinXT
provides a status- and an alarm contact for silent alarm.
RFID cards / Tags / Bracelets
Fig. 8:
Design example RFID card, tag and RFID bracelet
Optional accessory. RFID cards are mobile media for code transfer of the users of a
system with option box RFID. As an alternative, code can also be entered manually.
In order to empower users to open locks with cards, the system manager has to
authorise them via user matrix and the
lock master
has to register the cards at the