TwinLock B600 CashProtect
Manual V.1.04A
User Groups
Optional with Upgrade / special licence. The users stored at the locks of every system
can be divided into two groups:
The system manager activates this option via
menu „User groups“
of the display of
the operating unit. The lock master registers PIN code for user 18.
: After an upgrade, read “user 99” instead of “user 18”.
The default setting regarding the group size is that group 1 contains the users no.
01 to. 9 and user group 2 ranges from user no. 10 to user no. 18. Via optional
software, the group size can be changed (with CashProtectPro): Code / User Groups.
The lock master administers the users of the first group, user no. 18, for whom code
is to be registered and
who turns CIT master with option „User groups“ selected,
administers the users of the second group.
Operation with “User Groups” Selected
Without an authorised CIT master with PIN code registered,
the second user group (CIT user) cannot be administrated.
Authorise user no.18 with all rights required
before you
“User groups”
(see paragraph ‘Authorising the Users’
and register PIN code for user no.18 at the lock.
he system manager can select “2 user groups” and set via field ‘Opening (user
groups):’ on
‘Code settings’ of
CashProtectPro, whether group members, in
case they cannot open alone (with options ‘dual code’ or ‘parallel code’ set),
- can
open with members of their own group only (value: „same“) or
- can open with members of the other
group only (value: „different“) or
- can open with another person of any group
(value: „none“)
If option
‘User groups’
is activated (also see
‘Selecting 2 user groups’
in this chap-
ter), the users of every lock will be split into two groups. The size of the groups can
be defined via PC software (ex works: group 1 consists of users 01-09 with lock
master and group 2 consists of users 10-17 with CIT master).
The lock master administrates the first group (users 01 to XX-1).
User 18 turns CIT master and administrates the CIT users (user XX to 17).