User Manual Santiago Bemar
Temperature of the heated display space may vary. It depends on numerous factors, such as amount and tempe-
rature of products placed in the device and temperature of the surroundings. The device should be placed in a dry
and well-ventilated place.
Remarks and indications
• Before placing hot products in the display cabinet, an empty display cabinet should operate until the
desired working temperature shall be obtained
• Do not place cold products in the device
• Do not block ventilation holes, as this could hinder the front glass hot air inlet Fig.1/5 (p.8)
4.1. Water level in bain-marie tank
Before connecting water bain-marie it is essential to check the closure of ball valve located below the display cabinet
body Fig.1/9 (p.8) and
ll the tank with proper amount of clean water.
We pour the water directly into the bain-
marie tank (f. ex. With rubber hose) to avoid
ooding the electric part!
Optimal level of poured water should fall slightly above the level (2) Fig.8 (p.11). The level of poured should
not be too high, as this can prolong the water heating time. Apart from the above, the water may not reach
the proper, high temperature, and heaters may work continuously, which will cause greater power con-
sumption and quicker wear and tear of the heaters.
To ensure minimal electric energy consumption, it is essential to:
• Add water of highest possible temperature in order to shorten the actuation time
• When the device is operating, please cover the bain-marie tank with GN containers in order to decrease
water evaporation and shorten the water heating time
Bain-marie is equipped with
SPW-4 water level regulator
used to control and manage tank water level. This regula-
tor is equipped with sound and light signalling Fig.6/4; 5 (p.10) illustrating bain-marie operating condition.
Green diode
– signals low water level, the heating function is still active – pour the water into the tank, until the
diode will be off.
Red diode
– signals very low water level in the tank, the heating function is still active (until sound signalling will be
activated) – it is absolutely necessary to pour the water until the red diode, and then the green diode will be off.
1 - Main switch - turn on/off bain-marie heaters
2; 3 – Lamp switch (bulbs; infrared radiators)
4 – Red diode – signals very low water level
5 - Green diode – signals low water level
6 - Temperature regulator knob
Fig.6 Control panel
Fig.5 Glass shelf assembly
Fig.7 Front pane lifted improperly
In devices with the system of lifted panes,
it is not allowed to lift both panes (within a
single module) at the same time. It is also
forbidden for both panes to be left in their lifted
position at the same time. Fig. 7 (page 10). This
refers both to washing and operating the device!