Innovative Circuit Technology Ltd.
Discharge Test Interval:
Enter the discharge test interval to have the system
automatically initiate a discharge test every interval, once the battery
reaches 100% SOC. Set this interval to 0 days to disable the automatic
discharge test (default setting).
Day of Week:
Select the day of the week that the automatically recurring
discharge test should take place, or select "Any" to allow a discharge test to
take place on any day of the week.
Start Time:
Enter the time of day for automatically recurring discharge tests
to start. The time of time must be entered using 24-hour time format. NTP
time synchronization must be enabled on the
Communications BASIC
page to enable automatically recurring discharge tests.
NTP Time Synchronization must be enabled on
the Communications Basic
page to enable automatic Discharge Tests.
Discharge test can only be initiated when the battery is fully charged. If the
system is unable to start a discharge test at the selected start time, it will
attempt again at the same time next day, or next week if a specific day of
week is selected.
Manual Discharge Test:
Click this button to manually initiate a discharge test
for the set duration time once the battery is fully charged. System will state
Manual Discharge Test is Not Ready
if battery is not yet fully charged.
Last Battery Discharge Test, Status, Discharge Time, End Voltage, Amp-
Hours Discharged, Next Periodic Discharge Test:
The date and time of the
last discharge test, the status (Complete or Fail), the duration of the test, the
end voltage, and the amp-hours discharged during the test are noted here
along with the scheduled date and time of the next automatic discharge test,
if a discharge test interval has been set.
Load Distribution
tab displays the current state and parameters of the load
distribution module(s) such as the current on each output channel.