Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
HD5L Series Controller User Manual V1.4
F11: PG Parameters
In elevator application, the PG is necessary for the motor. Please refer to section 4.5 for PG.
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
HD5L PG interface board
1 - 4 [4]
1: HD-PG2-OC-FD is valid. Only for asyn. motor.
2: HD-PG6-UVW-FD is valid. Only for syn. motor.
3: HD-PG5-SINCOS-FD is valid. Only for syn. motor.
4: HD-PG11-SC-FD is valid. Only for syn. motor. (support Endat)
F11.01 PG
1 - 9999 [2048]
PG direction setting
0,1 [0]
Defines the connection sequence of PG whether the same as that of the drive-motor connection.
In order to change the connection of AB two phases of the PG, you can change this parameter.
0: The same direction.
1: The reverse direction.
PG signal filter coefficient
0x00 - 0x77 [0x11]
Units: Low-speed filter coefficient.
Tens: High-speed filter coefficient.
The protocol of serial communication PG
0 - 9 [0]
1: Rotary transformer protocol.
2 - 9: Unused.
Detecting time of PG wire disconnection
0.00 - 2.00 [1.00s]
F11.05 specifies the duration time for detecting PG wire disconnection fault.
HD5L detects the PG wire disconnection and the duration time exceeds F11.05, then the controller reports
E0031 fault (PG disconnection).
No detection will be conducted when F11.05 = 0.