Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
HD5L Series Controller User Manual V1.4
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Slip compensation gain of asyn. motor
0.0 - 300.0 [100.0%]
Slip compensation filter time of asyn. motor
0.1 - 10.0 [0.1s]
Slip compensation limit of asyn. motor
0.0 - 250.0 [200.0%]
The slip of motor changes with the load torque, which results in the variance of motor speed.
Through slip compensation (HD5L will auto adjust its output frequency according to the motor load torque)
can reduce the influence.
In driving status (actual speed < setting speed) and in
generating status (the actual speed > setting speed), the slip
compensation gain (F07.17) can be increased gradually.
The value of auto slip compensation depends on rated slip
of motor, so make sure the rated frequency (F07.03) and
rated Rpm (F07.04) are set correctly.
Range of slip compensation = F07.19 × Rated slip.
Rated slip = F07.03 - F07.04 × Np / 60.
Np is the number of motor pole pairs.
F07.20 AVR
0 - 2 [1]
1: Enabled all the time.
2: Disabled in Dec process.
The output voltage can be regulated to maintain constant via AVR. Thus, normally the AVR function
should be enabled, especially when the input voltage is higher than the rated voltage.
In Dec process, if F07.20 = 0 or 2, the running current will be a little higher; while if F07.20 =1, the motor
will decelerate steadily and the current will be smaller.
Oscillation-suppression mode of asyn. motor
0,1 [0]
0: Depend on exciting component.
1: Depend on torque component.
Oscillation-suppression coefficient of asyn. motor
0 - 200 [100]
This function is used to damp oscillation when output current is continually unstable.
This function helps to keep the motor running smoothly through correctly adjusting the setting of F07.22.
Positive slip
Negative slip