Chapter 6 Function Introduction
Shenzhen Hpmont Technology Co., Ltd.
HD5L Series Controller User Manual V1.4
Group D: Display Parameters
Group D is status display parameters. The users can directly check the status parameters by checking
the function code of Group D.
D00: System Status Parameters
Ref. Code
Function Description
Setting Range [Default]
Controller series
[Actual value]
Software version of DSP
[Actual value]
Display software version of DSP.
Special software version of DSP
[Actual value]
Display special software version of DSP.
Software version of keypad
[Actual value]
Display software version of keypad.
Elevator running status
[Actual value]
Display the elevator running status in 16-bit binary. As following:
Bit15: Battery driven run
0: No
1: Yes
Bit14: MS terminal 3
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit13: MS terminal 2
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit12: MS terminal 1
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit11: Down forced Dec.
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit10: Up forced Dec.
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit9: Contactor
feedback input
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit8: Brake feedback
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit7 - bit4: unused which means “0”
Bit3: Analogue run
0: No
1: Yes
Bit2: MS run
0: No
1: Yes
Bit1: Inspection run
0: No
1: Yes
Bit0: controller enable
0: Disenable
1: Enable
Rated current of HD5L
[Actual value]
Display rated current of HD5L.
Controller status
[Actual value]
Display HD5L status in 16-bit binary. As following:
Bit15: Unused
Bit14: Unused
Bit13: Stop signal
0: No stop signal
1: Stop signal
Bit12: Contactor output
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit11: Brake output
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit10: Ready to run
0: Not ready
1: Ready
Bit9: Speed within FAR
0: No
1: Yes
Bit8: Auto-tuning
0: Not in auto-tuning
1: In auto-tuning
Bit7: Zero-speed
0: Not at zero-speed
1: At zero-speed
Bit6: Zero-speed signal
0: Invalid
1: Valid
Bit5&Bit4: Acceleration/Deceleration/Constant
00: Constant
11: Unused
01: Acceleration
10: Deceleration
Bit3: DN
0: No
1: Yes
Bit2: UP
0: No
1: Yes
Bit1: Run/Stop
0: Stop
1: Run
Bit0: Controller fault
0: No fault
1: Fault