to configure the settings on the Phone Home Settings dialog box. Skip the Software
Entitlement ID field; it is not currently used.
The time required to enable Phone Home depends on the number of devices in the cluster, with
larger clusters requiring more time.
To configure Phone Home settings from the CLI, use the following command:
ibrix_phonehome -c -i <IP Address of the Central Management Server> -P
Country Name [-z Software Entitlement ID] [-r Read Community] [-w Write
Community] [-t System Contact] [-n System Name] [-o System Location]
For example:
ibrix_phonehome -c -i -P US -r public -w private -t Admin -n
SYS01.US -o Colorado
Next, configure Insight Remote Support for the version of HP SIM you are using:
HP SIM 7.1 and IRS 5.7. See
“Configuring Insight Remote Support for HP SIM 7.1 and IRS
5.7” (page 41)
HP SIM 6.3 and IRS 5.6. See
“Configuring Insight Remote Support for HP SIM 6.3 and IRS
5.6” (page 44)
Configuring Insight Remote Support for HP SIM 7.1 and IRS 5.7
To configure Insight Remote Support, complete these steps:
Configure Entitlements for the servers and chassis in your system.
Discover devices on HP SIM.
Configuring Entitlements for servers and chassis
Expand Phone Home in the lower Navigator. When you select
, the GUI displays
the current Entitlements for that type of device. The following example shows Entitlements for the
servers in the cluster.
Configuring HP Insight Remote Support on StoreAll systems