/usr/local/ibrix/bin/verify_client_update <kernel_update_version>
The following example is for a RHEL 4.8 client with kernel version
# /usr/local/ibrix/bin/verify_client_update 2.6.9-89.35.1.ELsmp
Kernel update 2.6.9-89.35.1.ELsmp is compatible.
If the minor kernel update is compatible, install the update with the vendor RPM and reboot the
system. The StoreAll client software is then automatically updated with the new kernel, and StoreAll
client services start automatically. Use the
ibrix_version -l -C
command to verify the kernel
version on the client.
To use the
command, the StoreAll client software must be installed.
Upgrading Windows StoreAll clients
Complete the following steps on each client:
Remove the old Windows StoreAll client software using the
Add or Remove Programs
in the Control Panel.
Copy the Windows StoreAll client MSI file for the upgrade to the machine.
Launch the Windows Installer and follow the instructions to complete the upgrade.
Register the Windows StoreAll client again with the cluster and check the option to
Start Service
after Registration
Administrative Tools
to verify that the StoreAll client service is started.
Launch the Windows StoreAll client. On the Active Directory Settings tab, click
retrieve the current Active Directory settings.
Mount file systems using the StoreAll Windows client GUI.
If you are using Remote Desktop to perform an upgrade, you must log out and log back
in to see the drive mounted.
Upgrading pre-6.0 file systems for software snapshots
To support software snapshots, the inode format was changed in the StoreAll 6.0 release. The
utility upgrades a file system created on a pre-6.0 release, enabling software
snapshots to be taken on the file system.
The utility can also determine the needed conversions without actually performing the upgrade.
When using the utility, you should be aware of the following:
The file system must be unmounted.
Segments marked as
are not upgraded.
The upgrade takes place in parallel across all file serving nodes owning segments in the file
system, with at least one thread running on each node. For a system with multiple controllers,
the utility will run a thread for each controller if possible.
Files up to 3.8 TB in size can be upgraded. To enable snapshots on larger files, they must be
migrated after the upgrade is complete (see
“Migrating large files” (page 181)
In general, the upgrade takes approximately three hours per TB of data. The configuration of
the system can affect this number.
Running the utility
Typically, the utility is run as follows to upgrade a file system:
upgrade60.sh file system
For example, the following command performs a full upgrade on file system
upgrade60.sh fs1
180 Cascading Upgrades