To view the statistics from the CLI, use the following command:
ibrix_stats -l [-s] [-c] [-m] [-i] [-n] [-f] [-h HOSTLIST]
Use the options to view only certain statistics or to view statistics for specific file serving nodes:
Summary statistics
CPU statistics
Memory statistics
I/O statistics
Network statistics
NFS statistics
The file serving nodes to be included in the report
Sample output follows:
HOST Status CPU Disk(MB/s) Net(MB/s) Up 0 22528 616
HOST Read(MB/s) Read(IO/s) Read(ms/op) Write(MB/s) Write(IO/s) Write(ms/op) 22528 2 5 0 0.00
HOST In(MB/s) In(IO/s) Out(MB/s) Out(IO/s) 261 3 355 2
HOST MemTotal(MB) MemFree(MB) SwapTotal(MB) SwapFree(MB) 1034616 703672 2031608 2031360
HOST User System Nice Idle IoWait Irq SoftIrq 0 0 0 0 97 1 0
---------NFS v3--------
HOST Null Getattr Setattr Lookup Access Readlink Read Write 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HOST Create Mkdir Symlink Mknod Remove Rmdir Rename 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
HOST Link Readdir Readdirplus Fsstat Fsinfo Pathconf Commit 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Viewing operating statistics for file serving nodes 107