To list host tuning settings on file serving nodes, StoreAll clients, and hostgroups, use the
following command. Omit the
argument to see tunings for all hosts. Omit the
to see all tunings.
ibrix_host_tune -l [-h HOSTLIST] [-n OPTIONS]
To set the communications protocol on nodes and hostgroups, use the following command.
To set the protocol on all StoreAll clients, include the
-g clients
ibrix_host_tune -p {UDP|TCP} {-h HOSTLIST| -g GROUPLIST}
To set server threads on file serving nodes, hostgroups, and StoreAll clients:
ibrix_host_tune -t THREADCOUNT {-h HOSTLIST| -g GROUPLIST}
To set admin threads on file serving nodes, hostgroups, and StoreAll clients, use this command.
To set admin threads on all StoreAll clients, include the
-g clients
ibrix_host_tune -a THREADCOUNT {-h HOSTLIST| -g GROUPLIST}
Tuning StoreAll clients locally
Linux clients.
Use the
command to tune host parameters. For example, to set the
communications protocol:
ibrix_lwhost --protocol -p {tcp|udp}
To list host tuning parameters that have been changed from their defaults:
ibrix_lwhost --list
See the
command description in the
HP StoreAll Storage CLI Reference Guide
for other available options.
Windows clients.
Click the
Tune Host
tab on the Windows StoreAll client GUI. Tunable parameters
include the NIC to prefer (the default is the cluster interface), the communications protocol (UDP
or TCP), and the number of server threads to use. See the online help for the client if necessary.
Managing segments
When a file system is created, the servers accessing the file system are assigned ownership of the
storage segments used for the file system. Each server is responsible for managing the segments
it owns.
When the cluster is expanded, the StoreAll software attempts to maintain proper load balancing
and utilization in the following ways:
When servers are added, ownership of the existing segments is redistributed among the
available servers.
When storage is added, ownership of the new segments is distributed among the available
Occasionally you may need to manage the segments manually:
Migrate segments.
This operation transfers ownership of segments to other servers. For example,
if a server is overloaded or unavailable, you can transfer its segments to another server that
can see the same storage.
Rebalance segments.
This operation redistributes files across segments and can be used if
certain segments are filling up and affecting file system performance. See “Maintaining file
systems” in the for more information.
Evacuate segments.
This operation moves the data in a segment to another segment. It is
typically used before removing storage from the cluster.
Maintaining the system