6 Mounting / Installation
Operating manual mzr-2509 Ex/ mzr-2909 Ex / mzr-4609 Ex / mzr-7209 Ex
Last update: October 2016
Technische Änderungen ohne Vorankündigung vorbehalten.
Connect the RS-232 connector of the MCDC2805 with a free serial
interface of a PC. Apply the 9-pin
zero-modem cable
, included in the
delivery volume.
Turn the potentiometer on the S-HD-KL to zero position by shifting
clockwise to the right stop.
Connect the voltage supply 24 VDC. This can be done with the integrated
DIN connector or alternatively the 2-pole screw clamp (24 V = »+«;
GND = »-«). Pay attention to the correct polarity.
Check for
correct polarity
. False connecting may cause severe malfunction or
even destroy the electronic of the control unit.
The mounting place of the motion controller is intended for use outside of the
hazardous areas only.
It is possible to adjust speed of the micro annular gear pump with the
potentiometer without the need to connect the serial interface.
With the analog nominal value input (connection clamps »AnIN« and
»GND«) it is possible to adjust speed of the pump with a standard signal
0-10°V. For this purpose it is necessary to plug the jumper on the S-HD-KL
control unit from the »AnalogPoti« to the »AnalogExtern«. The serial
interface does not need to be connected.
In case of an overcurrent error the green status LED on the S-HD-KL control
unit turns red
The standard programs memorized in the motor control unit may be started
with the tumbler switch S1.
Install the software »Motion Manager« described in the next chapter.