Preventive Maintenance
40K • 46K
2 . Use an infrared thermometer to check the temperature of the shock absorber . This can also
be performed by carefully touching the shock body below the dust cover . Touch the frame to
get an ambient reference, see Figure 6-16 . A warm shock absorber is acceptable, a cold shock
absorber should be replaced .
3 . To inspect for an internal failure, remove and shake the suspected shock . Listen for the
sound of metal parts rattling inside . Rattling of metal parts can indicate that the shock has
an internal failure .
Look for any of the potential problems in Figure 6-17 when doing a visual inspection . Inspect the
shock absorbers fully extended . Replace as necessary .
FIguRE 6‑17
FIguRE 6‑18
The inspection must not be conducted after driving in
wet weather or a vehicle wash . Shocks needs to be free
from water . Many misting shocks are often misdiag-
nosed as failures .
The AR2 suspension is equipped with a premium seal
on the shock, however this seal will allow for misting to
appear on the shock body (misting is not a leak and is
considered acceptable) .
Misting is the process whereby very small amounts of
shock fluid evaporate at a high operating temperature
through the upper seal of the shock . When the “mist”
reaches the cooler outside air, it condenses and forms
a film on the outside of the shock body . Misting is per-
fectly normal and necessary function of the shock, see
Figure 6-18 . The fluid which evaporates through the seal area helps to lubricate and prolong
the life of the seal .
A shock that is truly leaking and needs to be replaced will show signs of fluid leaking in streams
from the upper seal, see Figure 6-18 . These streams can easily be seen when the shock is fully
extended, underneath the main body (dust cover) of the shock . Look for these potential problems
when doing a visual inspection . Inspect the shock absorbers fully extended . If the shock is dam-
aged install new shock absorber and replace as detailed in the Component Replacement section
of this publication .