Revision C • 10/07
Appendix A VMCC
and VistaMax cardframes since these signals are
shared throughout the community. If the conven-
tion is used on consoles, however, each common
console signal name (PGM 1, PGM 2, and so on)
must be given a unique name (PGM 1-AIR or
PROD-PGM 1, etc.) for each console so that the
signals can be properly selected. To get around
having to uniquely name all of these common sig-
nals, Tier 2 naming is typically used on consoles.
On devices using Tier 1 Convention naming, the
Call Sign, Community Name, Discipline Prefix,
Discipline Sort Character and Name Radix are not
used so they can be left at their default settings.
On devices using Tier 2 Convention naming, the
Call Sign entry (up to four characters), Name Ra-
dix character (one character) and Community
Name entries (up to four characters) are used to
create the signal names shown on the other de-
vices in the community.
When only Tier 1 and Tier 2 naming are
used in a community, the Call Sign entry will typi-
cally be used to identify the console by room (e.g.,
Air, Prod, Img, News, etc.) rather than by the ac-
tual station Call Sign. In the examples on the pre-
vious page, this means the Group and System
names for Tier 2 would display as PROD.MD1
rather than XYZ.MD1 which better identifies the
signal as Minidisk player 1 in Production.
When multiple station groups are networked
in one VistaMax community, Tier 3 naming can
be used throughout the community to better dif-
ferentiate signal names between fellow group mem-
bers (those assigned the same Call Sign) and all of
the other devices in the community (those assigned
different Call Signs).
In Tier 3 naming, the device publish file that
the fellow group members receive (those with the
same Call Sign) is the Group Publish file. These
signal names consist of the Discipline Sort Char-
acter, the Discipline Prefix and the Community
Name (e.g., -PROD.MD1). The devices in the other
Call Sign groups then receive the System Publish
file, whose names consist of: the Call Sign, the first
character of the Discipline Prefix name and the
Community Name (e.g., XYZP.MD1).
Setting RMXd Signal Include Lists
Which of the sources listed in the various pub-
lish files are actually available to a particular con-
sole is assigned in the main Source Include list in
the device editing pane. This sets which sources
display on each channel strip and which sources
are available for the Real Air, Synthetic Air, Ex-
ternal Cue and Talk to CR inputs. The meter and
monitor selectors have their own include lists.
file’s [SrcInclude] listing is
a sum of the sources in the main Source include
list, the Meter include list and the two Monitor
include lists. Thus a signal removed from the main
include list—but which remains in the meter or
monitor include list, will still show up in the
source list. Note, that if additional
signals are included on any edge devices hosted
by the device, they are also summed into the
source include list.
The [DstInclude] list in
is equal
to the Main Destination Include list entries plus
any destinations assigned to edge devices hosted
by that VistaMax device.
RMXd Monitor/ Meter Key Definitions
d console editing pane allows the
twenty-one source selection buttons for the Moni-
tor, Meter and Studio 1 keys to be individually
defined. Most keys have default sources assigned:
the top row of switches are assigned to the Real
Air source (the button label is EXT), the next row
is assigned to Send and the bottom four buttons
(PGM 1 thru PGM 4) are assigned to program
bus 1 thru 4. The TEL REC and TEL MON but-
tons are not assigned by default since both of these
signals are routed signals. To assign these signals
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