Configuration and operation
WLAN Router 300
Operation as AP bridge WDS
WDS (Wireless Distribution System) is the term for the wireless
connection between several access points. In addition, it permits the
login of clients that other bridge operating modes do not allow. For
each additional access point, the bandwidth of the network is halved
because the packages have to be transmitted double.
Input field
Define whether the device operates in
the 2.4 Ghz band to standard 802.11b (11
Mbps), 802.11g (54 Mbps) or combined with
802.11b and 802.11g.
Enter the name of the wireless LAN here.
The length of the SSID can be up to 32 char
acters and must be identical for all devices
in the network.
Example: "WLAN_Router_54Mbps"
Channel number
Select here the channel via which the data
are to be transmitted. 13 channels are avail
Associated clients
Activate the checkbox "Show active clients"
to display all client computers logged in to
your access point.
Mac address 1-4
Enter here the address of the access points
to which the bridge connection is to be