hydroSpider2 User’s Manual v1.23
Page 85
readings are those most recently saved into the sensor's memory. These readings are
averaged by the sensor, over a period of typically 10 minutes. When logging memory readings, the
channel’s sample and logging periods would normally be set to match the sensor’s storage period.
When the sensor’s memory is around 80% full, the hydrospider will command the sensor to clear its
memory. This is necessary because the sensor will stop sampling if its memory is allowed to fill, and
will happen approximately once per month for a 10 minute storage period. However, the next
memory reading will not be available, because the memory has been cleared, and therefore will not
be logged by the hydrospider.
Note that this issue only applies to memory readings, and does NOT affect LCD readings, which can
always be logged by the hydrospider.
Appendix B4.
This allows the hydrospider to communicate via Modbus over RS-232 with a FL900 data logger. It is
typically used with Doppler radar flow sensors.
The advanced options for FL900 channels are shown below.