hydroSpider2 User’s Manual v1.23
Page 99
yyyy GPRS
Request a remote connection (n = minutes to wait for you to
connect, email = address where email with link will be sent; see
Appendix F) (PIN = yyyy)
1234 GPRS
5,[email protected]
After a hydroSpider receives an SMS command it will interpret it and act on it.
Invalid commands will be ignored.
Valid commands will be acknowledged with a return SMS:
Location: OK SMS command
"Location" is the programmed hydrospider2 location
"SMS command" is the SMS command
Mudgee STP: OK ACK AL1
Commands may be in lower or upper case or a combination of both
There must be only one space between the words of a command
SMS commands will not be received by the hydrospider2 while the modem is off, they will
be received next time it turns on.
If LiveSMS is disabled, the hydroSpider will never receive SMS commands, even if the
modem is ON due to other reasons.
The following options are available:
Remote access, control activation and deactivation commands may be protected with a 4 digit PIN. If
the PIN is set to "0000" it is effectively disabled. Any other 4 - digit number will enable the PIN. You
can change the PIN at any time by accessing the Location & SMS PIN page and entering the PIN.
LiveSMS Alarms:
With Live SMS functionality enabled, you may choose to DISABLE auto acknowledgements. In this
case, the alarm can only be acknowledged via either SMS or Webpages (requires LAN connection to
device). While the alarm is unacknowledged, the hydrospider2 will keep its modem on to receive any
incoming SMS messages, draining battery power. Therefore, Disabling Auto Acknowledgements may
have significant impacts on battery life.
SMS acknowledge time:
This parameter is available as “Escalation time” in the SMS Alerts section of the Change Alarm pages,
when Live SMS is enabled.
The Escalation time is the period of time (in minutes) during which an alarm must be acknowledged
to stop the hydrospider2 from sending SMS to the next number on the list.
An Escalation time of 0 will cause SMS messages to be sent to all phone numbers immediately.