– 69 –
Repair Action
94 Water Quality
Water Quality fault in Erd_
Detail information
(calibration failure,
measurement timeout,
etc.) is available from
snapshot data).
• Run Service Mode Test 20.
• If the turbidity reading from Service Mode Test
20 is out of range, press and hold the Start
button for 3-seconds to calibrate the sensor.
• Check all water quality sensor connections.
• If above repair actions don’t clear the fault,
replace tub mounted sensor.
EEPROM is unable to be
• Replace main board.
97 Pressure
Sensor Failure
One of the I2C Fault
Conditions are present for
more than 3-seconds
• Replace main board.
98 Large OOB at
High Speed
Cycle canceled due to
large OOB detected at
high spin speed.
Run Speed Wash and confirm washer starts
to agitate with no leaks.
• Run Drain and Spin cycle to verify drain
pump is functioning, the lid successfully
locks, basket reaches at least 450 RPM, and
the Spin LED does not blink (a blinking LED
indicates that an OOB was detected during
final spin).
Verify unit is firmly seated on all four legs,
doesn't rock, and is leveled. Inspect leveling
legs and bottom apron corner supports for
• Verify accelerometer is fully tightened on
bottom of tub.
• Check that basket assembly is hanging
centered up in lid opening. If not, check
that rod and spring assemblies are properly
seated. Check that hub nut is tight.
• Check that the rod and spring are dampening
properly. If correct, it will be very difficult
to push down and bottom out the basket
assembly. Replace rod and spring assembly
if they easily are pushed down.
• Check the basket for excessive friction or for
being excessively out of round. Basket should
spin freely and without wobble. If friction is
found, remove it. If basket is bad, replace it.
Confirm balance ring has fluid by quickly
jostling the basket clockwise (CW) and
counter-clockwise (CCW) and listening for
fluid movement in the balance ring. Replace
basket if no fluid is present.
• Check for damage to the balance ring, tub,
tub cover, basket, rod and spring assembly,
top apron corner brackets, top cover, lid, and
lid lock. Replace components if damage
impacting function is observed.
Continued next page