Installation Manual
H3C VG 21-08 Voice Gateway
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
4: Do not check the version of the extended segment of Boot
ROM (this option is provided for backward compatibility in version
5: Exit from the Boot menu and restart the VG.
Step 2: Select <1> to reload the extended segment of Boot ROM,
or select <3> to boot from the Boot ROM backed up in the Flash
5.5 Upgrading the Application Program Using
The VG 21-08 supports application program upgrade using TFTP.
The steps are as follows:
I. Setting up an upgrading environment
Console port
Console port cable
RS232 serial port
Ethernet interf ace
Ethernet interface
VG 21-08
TFTP serv er
Crossov er cable
Figure 5-3
Set up an environment for upgrading through TFTP
Step 1: Connect the Ethernet interface to a PC using a crossover
Step 2: Connect the console port of the VG 21-08 to an external
console terminal (it can be the external PC connected to the Ethernet