Installation Manual
H3C VG 21-08 Voice Gateway
Chapter 5 Software Maintenance
Download speed is 115200 bps. Change the termin,and select
XMODEM protocol. Press <Enter> key when ready.
Step 3: Change your terminal’s baud rate (see Figure 4-4) to the
same baud rate for software download (115200 bps in this example).
After that, disconnect the terminal ([Dial-in/Disconnect]), reconnect it
([Dial-in/Dialing]), and press <Enter> to start download. The system
Now Downloading Program File.
Please Start Transfer Program File And Use Xmodem Protocol.
If You Want To Exit. Press <Ctrl+X>.
Downloading ... CCCCC
The new baud rate takes effect only after you disconnect and
reconnect the terminal emulation program.
Step 4: Select [Transmit/Send file] in the terminal window. The
following dialog box pops up: