Installation Manual
H3C VG 21-08 Voice Gateway
Chapter 4 Booting and Configuring
the VG 21-08
The console cable is correctly connected. The console
terminal (or PC) has been started and the related
parameters have been set on it.
Locate the emergency power switch in the room before powering up
the VG 21-08. Then, if an accident occurs, you can quickly shut off the
II. Powering up the VG 21-08
Power up the VG 21-08.
III. Checking/Operating after power-up
After powering up the VG 21-08, check that:
The LEDs on the VG 21-08 front panel are in normal state.
The console terminal display is correct.
After powering up the device, you can see the startup interface on
the console terminal (see section4.1.3 Startup Process”). After the
system passes Power-On Self-Test (POST), press <Enter> as
prompted. When “[VG]” is displayed, you can proceed to configure the
VG 21-08.