Preliminary Device Description HG G-19600ZA | English, Revision 02 | Date: 13.03.2018
Chapter 6 – Software
The status line lists the following information:
The keys
allow to switch to further menus. With the keys
the digital inputs for the turnoff selection can be overwritten for testing purposes:
chooses the left track) /
chooses the right track.
chooses straight-ahead driving (center).
When the digital inputs are overwritten the message
!digital inputs overwritten!
resets the overwriting.
6.4.1 (1) CSV Output
Figure 16
Menu CSV Output
For the purpose of diagnosing the sensor several values are output in the CSV format (Com-
ma Separated Values). This output can be stored on the PC by using a terminal program (e.g.
HyperTerminal®, menu transmission, record/save text). Set the file extension of the file to
be written to
and start saving before you start the output in the service program. You
have two output options:
(default): The values are output as a continuous stream.
: A new line is output whenever the space bar is pressed on the PC‘s keyboard.
In order to end the recording end the transmission in the terminal program, then stop the
output stream in the service program with the key
. The text file on the PC has the follow-
ing format:
Status line
state of the digital inputs (s. Table 8 on page 21)
state of the digital output (detect)
state of the analog output
state of the analog output
Table 11
Status line in the main menu
HG 19600 Serialnumber: 0 Firmwareversion: V0.45
CSV Output
(1) continuous output (5Hz)
(2) single line per keypress (spacebar -> next line)
start text capture before countinuing