Preliminary Device Description HG G-19600ZA | English, Revision 02 | Date: 13.03.2018
Chapter 4 – Commissioning
If there are problems detecting the track or when the working conditions are different we
recommend the following configuration sequence:
Configure the polarity of the magnetic tape (
track polarity
menu). Default
for Götting magnetic tape or embedded magnetic bar: North.
Place the sensor centered above a piece of the used magnetic tape (default reading
height 60 mm). The piece should be long enough so that at least 10 cm protrude
behind and in front of the sensor.
Switch to the menu
raw data
and write the shown
sum of flux density
down. Then
switch to the
menu and configure the
to be approx. one fifth of the
sum of flux density
Switch to the main menu and move the sensor diagonally to the magnetic tape.
Check that the track is reliably detected even when it reaches the lateral edges of the
magnet sensor. Optionally the
in the
menu has to be reduced if the
track is not detected in the border areas.
If the turnoff function is to be used the threshold
sen. two tracks
has to be config-
ured. Table 3 above shows typical values when Götting magnetic tape is used. Typi-
cally the threshold for the detection of two tracks is about three times the value for
one track. If the turnoff function is not needed (because there are no junctions in the
sen. two tracks
should be set to its maximum value of
. A good starting point
for the threshold for detection of two tracks is three times the limit for one track.
In order to test the threshold for two tracks place two pieces of magnetic tape under-
neath the sensor so that the left edge of the left tape should be directly underneath
the left edge of the sensor, the right edge of the right tape should match the right
edge of the sensor. Now when the digital inputs are switched (left, right, straight; via
the vehicle control, see 5.2.3 on page 21, or via the manual controls in the main menu
of the service program, see Figure 15 on page 23) two magnetic tapes should be
4.2 Compensation of Permanent Magnetic Interferences
Only static interferences can be compensated! The source of the interferences has to move
together with the magnet sensor and its strength may not change.
There is currently no possibility to enable or disable the compensation during operation! If
there is e.g. an electromagnetic brake that emits interferences when activated but emits no
interferences when it is inactive this can not be dynamically compensated. If a permanent
compensation would be set for the possible interferences the output of the magnet sensor
would be off by the scope of the compensation whenever the brake is inactive.