Operation Manual
The recorder liability amounts to at least 10000 h.
The device service life amounts to at least 5 years (without regard to battery service life).
The device must be used strictly is accordance with operating, storage and transportation
conditions described above.
The Manufacturer guarantees product conformity with the specifications unless any of the
operating, storage and transportation conditions was violated.
The Manufacturer guarantees product quality and security within the warranty period. The
Manufacturer shall replace the defective product with a new copy on the Customer’s first request
within 30 days.
Product warranty period equals 36 months, starting the day the Consignee files the Certificate of
The Manufacturer shall perform product warranty maintenance with no extra cost for the
Customer. Warranty maintenance means product performance recovery in case of product failure
that is not in any way related to product misuse within the warranty period.
Product return operation, sending the product to warranty maintenance facility, product recovery
or replacement operations are all performed at the expense of the Manufacturer.
In case product performance restoration where located is unavailable, the Manufacturer provides
the Consignee (the Customer) with a working copy of the failed product upon Customer’s request,
for the period of failed product recovery (repair) which is due to be complete in 30 days.
In case of any defects and/or inconsistencies discovered within the Warranty Period, please send
a complaint letter to: 1STC Ltd, PO Box 124, Saint Petersburg, 196084, Russian Federation.