file containing watermarks recorded in the loop
mode, the Info column will contain messages marking the
beginning of each recoding loop: Begin of record loop and
Continue of record loop.
If an .rng file containing watermarks has been modified, apart
from recording loop beginning and continuation the Info column
will display one or more Watermarks not found messages.
.wav file integrity check can detect not only intentional file modifications but interferences
caused by recorder malfunctions during the recording process or storage as well. The duration of
a corrupted audio file fragment is measured in milliseconds while intentionally modified recording
part can last several seconds or minutes.
Click Close to exit the Check file dialog.
9.3.5 Memory Formatting
Figure 13: Fast formatting
To perform device formatting, click Format
memory (Figure 6).
After the device memory is 50%-
100% full you are recommended to
format the device memory instead of
deleting recordings in order to extend
flash memory life. Please note that
formatting will delete all data on the
Select formatting type: fast or complete formatting. To select quick formatting, tick the Fast
checkbox (Figure 13). To begin formatting process, click Start. To cancel formatting, click Cancel.
9.3.6 Writing Manager to Device
Figure 14: Copying Manager to device memory
In order to copy current Voice Recorder Manager
version to device memory, click Write Manager
(Figure 6).
To confirm, click Yes in the dialog (Figure 14).To
close the dialog, click No or Cancel.