Date: 2021-08-17
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How to name the contacts
To change the name of the inputs, open the Sensor Configuration menu and enter a new name:
The port number is fixed and is used to uniquely identify the port both in the sensor monitor and on the
front of the unit. Triggered contacts can thus be quickly assigned to a unique port. can be quickly
This field is freely definable and allows a more detailed description of the connected system:
After adapting the name to fit to the according system, press Apply to save the settings. You will then find the exact name in the
sensor monitor:
This function defines whether the contact should normally be closed or open. Depending on the configuration, there are
automatic normally closed or normally open contacts, which means that an adjustment must be made in the SITEMONITOR so
that the alarm behaviour is synchronized with the actual function of the connected system:
For example, while a door access control normally has a closed contact, a switch coupled to an emergency shutdown device
may open automatically because the system has been switched off.
Possible functionality
NC contact control hook not set:
The contact must be closed during normal operation. If the contact is opened, an alarm is triggered.
NC contact control hook is marked:
The contact is open in normal operation and closes automatically should the condition for this be fulfilled. In this case,
the alarm is triggered because the contact has been closed.
Defines whether a connected contact is to be checked. The SITEMONITOR will only check the contacts on mark.
Defines the type of alarm. Normally, an alarm is triggered on actuation and as soon as the control state has been restored:
For example, if a door access control is checked, an alarm is normally triggered because the NC contact was also opened by
opening the door. If the door is closed, this normally also closes the NC contact. In the alarm behaviour, you would accordingly
only be able to see the alarm as long as the contact was triggered.