Date: 2021-08-17
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Network integration of the CS141
All models of the CS141 family are configured exclusively through the specially designed web interface. In order to facilitate the
initial configuration or a quick on-site intervention, the CS141 family Web Manager
’s present is the hard-coded IP address
You will recognize this pre-setting that the slide switch is in the middle position on the front side. Due to its more compact
design, the CS141 MINI brakes the standard and uses on-board dip switches instead of a sliding switch.
You will recognize this pre-setting that the slide switch is in the middle position on the front side. Due to its more compact
design, the CS141 MINI brakes the standard and uses on-board dip switches instead of a sliding switch.
The centre position or alternatively both dip-switches set to off position activates the configuration mode:
In this mode, some functions such as IP address data are configurable, but available only as soon as CS141 is switched to
regular operating mode.
The following table lists regular operating modes:
Sliding switch to centre position
Enables configuration mode. After reboot the hard-
coded IP address is active.
Sliding switch to the right
Automatic IP addressing: DHCP is activated and an
IP address is set automatically. Check the MAC
address of your CS141 to identify the IP address in
the DHCP server table.
Sliding switch to he left
Use of the IP address values manually configured. If
DHCP is used, the IP address needs to be blocked for
single usage.