Date: 2021-08-17
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TEL +49(40)22692910 - EMAIL [email protected] - WEB (This and all other product datasheets are available for download.)
System notifications
Setting up email services
For this configuration step, navigate to the following menu:
The CS141 provides a variety of options to interact with the environment, external devices, and the network itself.
For this, the necessary services must be configured.
One basic feature is the automatic notification via email and email traps. Due to the fact the CS141 does not provide a complete
mail server, a valid email account must be configured.
Mail server
Enter the mail server to be used.
To ensure a maximum of flexibility, the CS141 allows an appropriate IP address as well as an URL of external mail provider.
Administrators can choice between additional external provider or use own mail servers.
The fact, your CS141 has a connection to the Internet to access external accounts of large mail providers does not mean an
external provider will allow a usage for free. Sometimes they start to block service mails without stating reasons or failure
message. It just stops working. In this case, it may be necessary to switch to another provider.
Defines the port used by a mail client to communicate with the mail server. Basically, the ports are standardized. In some cases,
administrators need to choose own ports configurations to ensure communication; The necessary access data must be obtained
from the local administrator.
Connection Security
Select the encryption type used by the CS141 for sending the emails:
no encryption required
If available
Force encryption
Sender Email Address
Enter the mail address to be shown as sender
Email authentication
– user and password
Depending on its configuration, email servers either use the e-mail address as their username or their own user ID and
password to receive e-mails.
For the valid access data, please contact the local network supervisor.