Date: 2021-08-17
Copyright of the European Union is effective (Copyright EU) (c) 2021 GENEREX Systems GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, All rights reserved
TEL +49(40)22692910 - EMAIL [email protected] - WEB (This and all other product datasheets are available for download.)
The Tracer logs packet data within the LAN segment in real-time and stores it locally on the CS141. The tracer will quit if there
are two conditions:
A reboot (expected / unexpected)
By pressing the Stop button
After finishing, the data will be downloaded in the form of a packed archive for later evaluation.
The network tracer is usually very rarely needed. In seldom cases GENEREX technical support needs specific
additional information to locate a problem.
In this case, it is recommended to start the tracer without using filtering options. Furthermore, it turns your CS141 into
a powerful network diagnostic tool that lets you examine your local LAN:
to find extensive tutorials how to define filters in order to use the full potential of the CS141
as a network diagnostic system.
Data evaluation
The data analysed via diagnostic tools such as Wireshark *:
Downloaded data can be read and analysed by special diagnostic tools such as Wireshark *:
*Wireshark is not a GENEREX product. It is available at
Delete log files
The CS141 collects and logs many data and uses non-volatile memory to store
it permanently:
These data can then be retrieved via a web browser or evaluated by diagnostic
tools. Since the log files may contain very sensitive information about a network
state, it is recommend to delete all data before re-using the CS141
Network log
Deletes any network trace data
Event log
Deletes all logged data according to events
Data log
Deletes additional data of UPS measurements.