Date: 2021-08-17
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For several IP addresses, please ensure the correct syntax:,, ...
The IP addresses will be written without space between the individual entries. Otherwise, you will receive a corresponding error
Broadcast messages and individual IP addressed or collective addressed messages are mutually exclusive: You can configure
the RCCMD client to accept commands by single IP addresses. But the client cannot be configured to differ between a
broadcast message and a single message. If you want to shut down devices and device groups first and then send a broadcast,
you need to create several jobs with a corresponding time delay.
Port selection
As a default port, RCCMD uses port 6003. The
RCCMD client is listening on this port for a valid
RCCMD command.
If your RCCMD client has been assigned a
different port during installation and
configuration, ensure sender and receiver are
using the same ports.
RCCMD Job Timing
The CS141 provides many system events a job can be assigned to. Some jobs allow to configure advanced timing:
Immediately, once
As soon as an event happens, this job is executed at once and not repeated.
After XXX seconds:
The CS141 will wait a pre-defined time in seconds and than exucte the jobIf the event is
no longer active before time is up, the job will not be executed.
Repeat all XXX seconds:
The job is repeated cyclically until the event no longer is no longer active.
After XXX seconds on battery:
The event forces the UPS will to switch to autonomous mode.The job will be executed if
the UPS remains a pre-defined time in this state. For example, if 300 seconds are set,
this job will only be executed if the UPS operates in autonomous reaches 300 seconds.
At XXX seconds remaining time:
The job is executed when the remaining UPS operating time is reached or undershot.
Note based on the current load this time value becomes flexible
RCCMD command
Der RCCMD Shutdown
The RCCMD shutdown is predefined and advices the addressed RCCMD client to shut down the operating system and turn off
the device. Adjustable options include broadcast, sending to individual IP addresses and the port used for RCCMD.