Date: 2021-08-17
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Regional settings
Under Language, select your preferred system language. Supported languages are German, English, Chinese (Simple), French,
Spanish, Polish, Portuguese
Under Temperatures, select the unit of measure in which to display the temperatures.
The Difference between Fahrenheit / Celsius
Although initially defined by the freezing point of water (and later melting point of ice), the Celsius scale is officially derived
among Kelvin scale: Zero on the Celsius scale (0 ° C) corresponds to 273.15 K, with a temperature difference of 1 ° C which is
equivalent to a difference of 1° K - the size of the unit in each scale is the similar. Therefore 100 ° C, the previously defined
boiling point of water, equates to 373.15K. Due to the fact the Celsius scale is an interval system, but not a ratio system, means
it follows a relative and not an absolute scale.
This is indicated by the fact that a temperature interval between 20 ° C and 30 ° C is the same as between 30 ° C and 40 ° C,
but essentially 40 ° C does not have twice the air heat energy like 20 ° C. A temperature difference of 1 ° C therefore
corresponds to a temperature difference of 1.8 ° F.
There both scales are used worldwide, it is important to know in advance which measurement scale to use for configuration.
The CS141 recalculates the values when rescaling the scale and adjusts the settings automatically - but a higher-level system
configured to Fahrenheit will inevitably receive incorrect information from a web manager set to Celsius.
This small problem may lead into a big impact, especially if teams are placed inside an international co-operation.
As an example, on December 12, 1998, the Mars Climate Orbiter has entered as programmed the mars orbit, but 170
kilometres lower than planned. Investigations found the reason for this incident: There was a communication issue between two
different groups of NASA scientists who performed the trajectory calculations - one used inches and the other meters. They
simply forgot to communicate this small fact
„The „root cause “… was the failed translation of English units into metric units in a segment of ground-based, navigation-related
mission software … “
Provide services
For this configuration step, navigate to the following menu:
The CS141 uses separate system services for communication, which can be started and stopped independently to each other:
This allows activating and deactivating the functions without having to restart the CS141 completely.
While Modbus and SNMP are used as the industry standard inside almost all higher-level monitoring systems, the UNMS server
is only necessary if you use the monitoring software UNMS 2 from GENEREX