Intended Purpose
Improper Operating Conditions
Operating Instructions · GEA Index Cleaner Fury 602
Edition 01/08/2016
Intended Purpose
Designated Use
The Index Cleaner Fury is intended for the cleaning of tanks and vessels. This cleaner
has been designed for installation vertically up or vertically down.
The manufacturer will not accept any liability for damage resulting from any use of the
cleaner which is not in accordance with its designated use. The risk of such misuse lies
entirely with the operator of the facility.
Requirements for the Operation
The prerequisite for the reliable and safe operation of the cleaner is proper transporta-
tion and storage as well as professional installation and assembly. Operating the cleaner
within the limits of its designated use also involves adhering to the operating, inspection
and maintenance instructions.
Improper Operating Conditions
The operational reliability of the cleaner cannot be ensured under improper operating
conditions. Therefore avoid improper operating conditions.
Operating the cleaner is not permitted if
Persons or objects are in the danger zone.
Safety devices are not working or were removed.
Malfunctions have been detected on the cleaner.
Damage has been detected on the cleaner.
Maintenance intervals have been exceeded, see “Maintenance Intervals“ (page 32).