T-54 Reset Energy Log
[1] Do reset
to reset all values in the
energy log-counters shown in
. After pressing OK,
the setting of the parameter value automatically
changes to
[0] Do not reset
Do not
Do reset
3.21.4 T-6# Trending
Trending is used to monitor a process variable over a
period of time and record how often the data fall into
each of 10 user-defined data ranges. This is a convenient
tool to obtain a quick overview indicating where to focus
on improvement of operation.
2 sets of data for trending can be created to make it
possible to compare current values for a selected operating
variable with data for a certain reference period, for the
same variable. This reference period can be pre-
programmed (
parameter T-63 Timed Period Start
parameter T-64 Timed Period Stop
). The 2 sets of data can
be read from
parameter T-61 Continuous Bin Data
It is possible to create trending for following operation
Output frequency.
Motor speed.
The trending function includes 10 counters (forming a bin)
for each set of data containing the numbers of
registrations reflecting how often the operating variable is
within each of 10 pre-defined intervals. The sorting is
based on a relative value of the variable.
The relative value for the operating variable is determined
Actual/rated x 100% - for power and current.
Actual/max x 100% - for output frequency and
motor speed.
The size of each interval can be adjusted individually, but
is 10% for each for default. Power and current can exceed
rated value, but those registrations are included in 90–
100% (MAX) counter.
Illustration 3.54 Time and Relative Values
Once a second, the value of the operating variable
selected is registered. If a value has been registered to
equal 13%, the counter 10– <20% is updated with the
value 1. If the value stays at 13% for 10 s, 10 is added to
the counter value.
The contents of counters can be displayed as bars on the
display. Select
Quick Menu
Trending Continued
Bin/Trending Timed Bin/Trending Comparison
The counters start counting whenever the frequency
converter is powered up. Power cycle shortly after a
reset zeros the counters. EEPROM data are updated once
per hour.
T-60 Trend Variable
Select the desired operating variable to be
monitored for trending.
Power [kW]
Power yielded to the motor. Reference for the
relative value is the rated motor power
programmed in
parameter P-02 Motor Power [HP]
. The
actual value can be read in
Current [A]
Output current to the motor. Reference for the
relative value is the rated motor current
programmed in
The actual value can be read in
Output frequency to the motor. Reference for
the relative value is the maximum output
frequency programmed in
parameter F-15 Motor Speed High Limit [Hz]
. The
actual value can be read in
Reference for the relative value is the
maximum motor speed programmed in
parameter F-17 Motor Speed High Limit [RPM]
Parameter Description
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