Using the Apple iOS App
SEER ™ 1000
2067634-131 Revision E
Drag the circle on the right side to the right, until the icon is displayed in blue.
The tab "Patient" - Prepare and start ECG recording
If you prepared the recording as described in the "
Preparing for recording
If you prepared the recording as described in the "
Preparing for recording
If you prepared the recording as described in the "
Preparing for recording
Once you have registered, appears to guide
Once you have registered, appears to guide
Select your patient and continue as explained in section "
Find device
", Page 74.
Select your patient and continue as explained in section "
Find device
", Page 74.
Select your patient and continue as explained in section "
Find device
", Page 74.
Add patients
You can enter patient data manually or, if your app is correspondingly configured, collect patient
data from MUSE applications.