Preparing for recording
SEER ™ 1000
2067634-131 Revision E
If you have an App, it can also start this recording with her, having chosen or added a
patient and after having tested the signal quality.
In the following chapters are more information about Apps:
If a recording has not yet been started, but at least there is a valid signal of a channel, the
recorder automatically starts after eight minutes.
The eight minutes of time period begins again,
each time that a wireless connection is established,
when the cable status changes (eg, if the cable is connected or disconnected, or
when the
Event button
It is pressed, but recording does not start due to a low battery
when the
Event button
It is pressed, but recording does not start due to a low battery
when the
Event button
It is pressed, but recording does not start due to a low battery
electrodes or a loose connection. (Three serious acoustic signals).
If the recording was started automatically, you can no longer access the patient data or the
ECG information through the App. Previously, the recording should be interrupted and the
data must be deleted using the MARS or CardioDay analysis software.
Even if the auto-start function prevents a patient use the recorder in vain, we
recommend starting each recording properly and consider the auto-start function
only as collateral.