Fax/Internet Fax
Fax/Internet Fax
You can specify recipients in [Fax/Internet Fax]. The following shows the reference
section for each feature.
Select [Fax/Internet Fax] on the [All
Services] screen.
Select a feature on the [Fax/
Internet Fax] screen.
iFax/Fax (Selecting iFax/Fax)
You can switch between iFax and Fax as necessary.
• This feature does not appear for some models. An optional package is necessary. For more
information, contact our Customer Support Center.
Select [iFax/Fax].
Next Recipient (Sending Faxes to Multiple Recipients)
The Broadcast Send feature allows you to transmit the same document to multiple
recipients with a single operation. There is no need to repeat the same operation for
each recipient.
When an Additional G3 Port Kit (optional) is installed, you can use the extra lines to
make multiple transmissions simultaneously with Broadcast Send.
If you specify Broadcast Send, the machine prints a relay broadcast report/multi-poll
report after the Broadcast Send operation finishes.
• For Fax and Internet Fax, the maximum number of recipients that you can specify at one
time is as follows:
Using the numeric keypad only: 200 locations; using address numbers only: 500 locations;
and using both the numeric keypad and address numbers: 699 locations.
For Fax Server, the maximum number of recipients that you can specify at one time is 50.
• When Address Book Extension Kit (optional) is installed, you can register, at one time, up to
999 locations if you specify addresses using address numbers only, and up to 1198
locations if you specify addresses using both the numeric keypad and address numbers.
• The one touch buttons correspond to address numbers 001 - 070.
• When using Broadcast Send, [Cover Note] and [Remote Mailbox] are invalid even if they are
selected on the control panel. If you want to use [Cover Note] and [Remote Mailbox], set
them when registering each recipient in address numbers.
• You cannot specify [Transmission Report].