Floataway Installation Manual 230v 50Hz Tranquility 2017 - v3
The Hinges
The door is held by two hinges which come fitted to the door. They must be inserted into the pre-
drilled holes in the corners of the tub. This photo shows the hinge as it comes attached to the
To fit the hinges, on each side :
1. Remove the lower long M10 nut from the retaining bolt and
the bottom washer.
2. Lift one end of the door a little, so that the bolt can enter the
hole in the tub leaving the top washer to sit on top of the back
corner of the tub.
3. Add the washer underneath and the long nut and tighten by
4. Repeat on the other hinge.
5. Check the door opening manually.
6. Place a towel over the back of the dome to act as a spacer
and close the door.
7. The hinges can be fully adjusted. The nuts securing the
hinges to the tub are also used to adjust the height of the door.
The two adjacent nuts towards the top of the hinge are used to
adjust the door backwards and forwards.
8. After testing whether the door opens and closed correctly,
adjust if necessary, and fully tighten all the bolts using the two
17mm spanners provided in the accessories box. Check once
the control box is connected before you fit the side panels.
9. Check that the hinges are well located on the 8mm pins of
the door and retained by spring “push on” retainers as shown
on the photo below right. These have been factory installed.
10. Recheck the door opening and remove the towel.
The photo on the right shows the installed
hinge in its correct position.