Floataway Installation Manual 230v 50Hz Tranquility 2017 - v3
First check the room
The Float room needs to:
• Be big enough, min. 3.5m by 3m wide (11’6” by 9’10”).
• Have a floor loading capacity of at least 5kN per square meter.
• Have a waterproof, bunded*, non slip floor (e.g. Altro Marine 20)
• Have a 230v 50Hz electricity supply as needed
• Have ventilation (fan if no window)
*Bunded means with raised edges so
that any leak is retained within the floor
area. Typical details are shown in the
photo below. Floataway will not be held
responsible for damage to adjacent room
floors or to ceilings below the float room
if our advice has not been followed.
For commercial use, the room must:
• Have an emergency light
• Have appropriate fire warning and escape
• Have appropriate disabled use equipment and signs, if applicable.
Check the access route through which the parts must be carried.
Inspect the proposed reception / centre
There must be a position for the CD player or sound source(e.g. iPad/iPod), and a place for the
remote control unit in the reception area. Check that the LAN cable has been installed for the
remote box. The remote control should not be easily accessible to the visiting public.
Check how much hot water will be available and if a hose will be needed to fill the product.
Plan where to put the salt and parts during the installation.