Do not use the machine on slopes or ramps that are steeper than 2%. On sight slopes,
never use the machine sideways, always manoeuvre it with care and never reverse. When
transporting the machine on steep ramps or slopes, be very careful to prevent it tipping
over and/or accelerating uncontrollably. Use only the lowest speed! The machine should
only negotiate ramps and/or steps with the brush head and squeegee raised.
NEVER leave the machine on a slope.
Never leave the machine unattended without first making sure that it cannot move accidentally and that
it is disconnected from the power supply.
When using the machine, pay attention to other people, especially children in the area
where the machine is being used.
Do not use the machine to transport persons / things or to tow things. Do not tow the
Do not for any reason use the machine as a support for any amount of weight.
Do not obstruct the ventilation and heat discharge vents.
Do not remove, modify or bypass the safety devices.
Operators should always use personal protective equipment (both when using the
machine and when carrying out maintenance on it):
apron or overalls
non-slip waterproof footwear
rubber gloves
goggles and ear protectors
breathing mask
Before starting to use the machine, remove jewellery, watches, ties and other items that
could potentially cause serious injury.
Never insert hands between moving parts.
Do not use detergents other than the ones intended and follow the instructions on the relative safety
data sheets.
Detergents should be kept in a place that is inaccessible to children. In case of contact with the eyes,
rinse immediately with copious amounts of water. If swallowed, consult a doctor immediately.
Make sure that the power outlets used for the battery charger are connected to an efficient earthing
system and that they are protected by magneto thermal and differential circuit breakers.